Matthew R. DeVerna

About Matt

Matt is an Informatics PhD candidate at Indiana University (IU) in the complex networks and systems track. He works primarily in Dr. Filippo Menczer's research group, Networks and agents Networks, and with the Observatory on Social Media. Previously, he earned his MA in Psychology from New York University where he worked under the guidance of Dr. Joshua A. Tucker at the Center for Social Media and Politics and was advised by Dr. John Jost.

Broadly interested in computational social science, Matt's work focuses on the intersection of human behavior and artificial intelligence within the realm of digital platform dynamics. He studies these topics using a variety of tools, including large-scale data collection and analysis, experimental methods, generative AI, and agent-based simulations.

Matt's research has focused on tackling challenges that arise within social media platforms and contemporary information ecosystems, such as:

  • identifying and understanding superspreaders of low-credibility content
  • assessing misinformation's real-world impact
  • understanding the intricacies of information diffusion
  • exploring LLM-powered misinformation interventions

This research, as well as some of his software developments, have gained visibility in the popular press, including coverage by outlets like AP News, Tech Policy Press, Axios, Slate, Time, and the New York Times Magazine.

In the future, Matt aims to explore these issues more deeply, focusing on the opportunities and challenges presented by generative AI. You can learn more about his ongoing projects below.


† equal contribution

Peer-reviewed publications

Circulated working papers

Preprint papers, not yet peer-reviewed.

Ongoing projects

Various stuff in the works.


Contact me

I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in:

  • hiring me
  • talking about my research
  • collaborating on a project
  • speaking to me about really anything at all 😎
I will be most accessible via email — mdeverna[insert '@']iu[insert period]edu — but you can also feel free to message me on Twitter/X or any of my social media accounts.